Tenant Satisfaction Measures

What are TSMs 

The Regulator of Social Housing introduced Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) in April 2023. All landlords are required to survey their tenants to find out how they feel about their landlord and the services they provide. The 12 questions are about:  

  • Overall satisfaction 
  • Keeping properties in good repair 
  • Maintaining building safety 
  • Effective handling of complaints 
  • Respectful and helpful engagement 
  • Responsible neighbourhood management  

About the Survey 

Between April 2023 and March 2024, we invited all our tenants to take part in our survey. We used different methods including phone calls, online, face to face and post . See a copy of our survey here >> TSM Survey 202324.pdf   We followed up with tenants who reported they had outstanding issues.  

A huge thank you to all our tenants who took part, we appreciate the time you have taken to complete the survey and feedback provided. We achieved a 30% return rate.  

Of the 828 tenants took part in the survey:  

  • 67.4% completed the survey online 

  • 22.2% completed the survey face to face 

  • 10.0% completed the survey by phone 

  • 0.4% completed the survey by post 

The feedback received will help us to understand what is working well and not so well. It also helps us understand what is most important to our tenants .  

The survey results are reported to our Resident Services Committee who are keen to understand how residents' experience our services and where we need to prioritise our efforts to improve. You can read the report here >>Tenant Satisfaction Measures Results 2023 ~ 24.pdf 370KB

Our TSM Performance for 2023/24 

Our 2023/24 performance is shown below, and we’d like to share some of the actions we are taking to improve the services we provide. W e also measure our performance against similar organisations, this tells us we are performing very good compared to others in 50% of TSMs and good in 50% of TSMs.   

But we have variations in performance a cross our regions with Lambeth residents experiencing poor performance across a range of measures. We have a specific action plan in place to address this.   

W e have received a lot of very nice compliments from tenants about our staff and the services we deliver and have shared some with you. We love to receive compliments and when we do we ensure we share with staff.    

Overall satisfaction


Overall satisfaction

How we plan to improve  

  • Created an improvement plan covering key issues for our housing and repairs service in Lambeth  

  • Introducing new induction and training programme for our teams. 

  • Increasing the number of tenancy officers to reduce patch size and make work manageable. 

  • Improving our communication with residents, being clear on timescales for issues and repairs and making sure we update residents on progress 

  • Reintroducing local surgeries on estates 

What are tenants are saying. 

  • The service provided is top notch 

  • Everything is just right and if it goes wrong, you are on top of it 

  • Watmos is a fantastic landlord. Staff are always polite and helpful. Repairs are always done promptly. They always let you know what's happening with repairs. I love my house and thank you for looking after it. 

Repairs and maintenance


Customer engagement

Customer engagement satisfaction

How we plan to improve  

  • Continuing to promote and sign residents up to our Resident Voice so they can have a say on the way we deliver our services, feedback on our performance and ensure residents are aware of involvement opportunities.    
  • Undertake group wide resident scrutiny at least twice a year.    
  • Promote our Service Standard so residents know what they should expect  
  • Create local Community Plans with residents that reflect what residents want locally. 

What are tenants are saying

  • I’m always happy to be a Watmos tenant, staff are polite when dealing with anything I need help with.  
  • The Tenancy Sustainment Officer has been amazing and offers us so much support.  
  • Really glad my housing officer came today to visit me. I have been signed off work with a bad back and need an operation, he suggested calling the Operational Therapist and getting an assessment done to get the bath changed and some grab rails. I had no idea this service existed and it would make my life so much easier.  
  • I have recently received support from my Income Officer and I would like to say thank you. She has made such a positive impact to my mental health and well being, just by being caring and compassionate and taking action to help me.  
  • Sometimes I struggle to explain things correctly as I have had a stroke, the staff are always very patient when talking to me.  
  • My husband is deaf and my housing officer suggested getting a n assessment done by Occupation Therapy for a strobe alarm which is an amazing suggestion we didn’t think about.   

Complaints handling

Complaints Handling

How we plan to improve 

  • We have amended our complaints procedure to ensure we make contact with the resident within 2 working days to ensure we fully understand the complaint. 

  • We have changed our stage 2 review to triage complaints ensuring specialist staff undertake the review and agree actions to be taken. 

  • We will introduce a scrutiny panel of residents to look at our complaints quarterly to see if we did everything, we could to fully resolve the complaint and whether we made the right decision.  

  • We introduced a new redress policy to ensure consistency when awarding compensation when we get things wrong. 


What our tenants are saying 

  • Thank you for taking the time and effort to review my complaint. I particularly appreciate the thorough investigation and that you were able to address all the points I raised.I'm happy to see that my concerns have been addressed and especially appreciate the recognition of failings and the commitment to improve communication and contractor coordination. Hopefully, these lessons learned will prevent similar situations for other residents. 

Anti-social behaviour


How we plan to improve 

  • We will keep in touch with you and be clear about what we can and can’t do. 

  • We will contact you before we close a case to ensure the ASB has been fully resolved.  

  • We will review our ASB procedure.  

  • We will continue to use Starter Tenancies to support new tenants to manage their tenancy. 

  • We will have drop-in sessions on each of our estates making it easy for residents to talk to us about ASB they may be experiencing. 

  • We will continue to work in partnership with local agencies to tackle ASB and support our residents. 

  • Provide training for colleagues on dealing with ASB and hate crime. 


What our tenants are saying  

  • You can see a big difference on the estate already with people being evicted, there’s a lot less trouble. 

  • Our street is back to being lovely now that tenant has been moved.

Management information

We are also required to report on a separate set of performance information. This information covers the period between April 2023 to March 24.   

Building safety

Building Safety

Decent Homes Standard and repairs

Decent Homes

Anti-social behaviour




What's next

  • We will report our results to the Regulator of Social Housing. 
  • We will submit our performance to Housemark and compare our results with other landlords.  
  • We will meet with our Estate Committees to tell them about our results and ask them what they would like to see us focus on for their estate.  
  • We will continue to have surgeries on our estates so residents can come and talk to us in person about any issues they have.  
  • We will continue to speak with residents ensuring they have information on the different ways they can become involved in scrutiny and how to sign up to our Resident Voice. 
  • We have begun to survey tenants for 2024/25 TSMs and we intend to carry out more face-to-face surveys and try our best to engage with tenants who did not complete the survey in 23/24. 
  • We will develop an improvement plan based on the survey feedback provided.