Transport to connect people, places, services and communities

Transport to connect people

Watmos Community Homes is working in partnership with Walsall Community Transport to introduce ‘Let's Chat’, a Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) campaign, that aims to tackle and reduce loneliness and social isolation for vulnerable and elderly residents living in our Walsall neighbourhoods and communities.

Let's Chat provides new opportunities for social interactions, advice and support with community hubs being opened on the public transport network in Walsall and other parts of the West Midlands. It connects local people and communities together with transport and it brings you better access to vital support services in Walsall town centre. 

The scheme can help signpost you to access support for energy bills, mental health, food banks, housing, transport, health and wellbeing, financial advice, employment and training services and lots more.

A community hub has been established at Walsall bus station and on parked buses at key locations within the community.

Community Hub at Walsall bus station

Local residents can visit the community hub at Walsall Bus Station to make new friends, get access to a range of services, that cater for different people and needs, that are provided by local groups and organisations in your neighbourhood. 

Everyone is welcome. Open every Monday to Friday, 10am to 3pm. 

Community Hub at Sandbank Estate

Drop in for a cuppa and chat in a friendly, supportive, and inclusive environment.  

Every Thursday starting from 3rd April until 19th June  

9:15am - 12pm 

Cartwright House, Sandbank, WS3 2HD